Lawyers Marbella

Patent and Trademark Registration

If you want to register a trademark or a patent in Spain, our lawyers specialized in Intellectual Property Law in Marbella can carry out for you all the needed procedures.

Patent and Trademark Registration

The Patent Law guarantees the protection of any invention which is registered. In order to provide this legal protection coverage, it is necessary for the invention to be duly registered and approved by the Patent and Trademark Office.

So as to proceed with the registration, you must contact experts in this type of procedures to assist you, since they are usually quite complex and must be performed correctly to obtain the desired approval.

There are different types of patents depending on several aspects:

  • By object: by product, procedure, use...
  • By the concession process: this way, we find regional, national, European, Eurasian patents ... Each one recognizes the patent in different zones or countries.

Therefore, the patents will have the protection scope which the inventor or the company which has registered the invention believes is necessary, depending on the potential market where this invention will be directed.

Our patent and trademark lawyers recommend that the patent be requested when its development has been finished, without it being disclosed previously.

If farther protection than Spain is desired, you must take into account that it must be requested within a maximum period of one year since it was presented in Spain. This way, you will have the right of "priority" against third parties who would like to register a similar one.

Regarding to trademark registration, this is done in order to protect the names of companies and/or products, in a way that it has exclusive use of said mark, and it can’t be used by potential competitors.

The procedures for the registration of a trademark are similar in complexity to those related to the registration of patents, therefore, to carry out the same, it is more advisable to entrust these efforts to specialists in the Patents and Trademarks Law.

If you want to register a patent or a trademark in Spain and internationally, contact us now and ask for the advice of our Marbella lawyers.