Lawyers Marbella

Work and residence permits in Marbella

A person from another country who has an interest in residing in Spain should regulate their situation especially if they are going to stay here for a while, one of the main steps is to find out what is needed to obtain a work and residence permit.

Lawyers Marbella can advise you at any time on all these procedures, these are permits that must be applied for to be processed by the appropriate body.

For the work permit once you have found a job, your employer will complete a permit to prove that you are working for him/her and will be a worker with all the obligations and rights that this means.

Foreigners wishing to work on their own account will be required to obtain a residence and work permit.

As far as the residence permit is concerned, there are several types of residence permit according to the law, depending on the situation of each one. Temporary residence is that which would allow you to work in Spain from a period of three months, but without reaching five years. This is an authorization that must be renewed every year, you must take into account that you must have at least one visa in order to register with the Social Security.

On the other hand, permanent residence is that with which you can reside in this country indefinitely if you are working here and if you have a series of resources such as health care.

If you have any doubts about this type of permit or any question related to foreigner matters, you can contact our attorneys in Marbella we are serious and professional. Call us without obligation, our rates are affordable and our services are excellent.